At the end of this month, the Village of Highland Falls will be submitting a grant application for a $10 million New York State ‘Downtown Revitalization Initiative’ grant.
Highlands Chamber of Commerce members will be proudly watching in the weeks ahead as some 72 Military Appreciation banners are hung from utility poles in Highland Falls and Fort Montgomery.
For the second year in a row, James I. O’Neill High School has been ranked first in Orange County high schools in the annual US News & World Reports ‘Best High School’ list.
On Tuesday, April 30, the O’Neill Women’s Choir travelled to Nyack High School to participate in the annual New York State School Music Association’s (NYSSMA) Major Organ-izations Rating Festival.
Senator James Skoufis and Assemblyman Colin Schmitt paid tribute to a group of cadets from the U.S. Military Academy during the 67th annual West Point Day on Wednesday, May 1, held in the State Capitol in Albany.
U.S. Military Academy Cadet Alex Davis graduates in just a few weeks, but took the time recently to not only offer Highland Falls and Fort Montgomery merchants her advise on cadets as customers in the future, but even offered to help facilitate that relationship.