HFIS graduates 52 eighth graders

(Photo by MJ Pitt) - Members of the JIO Class of 2026 are shown onstage as they graduated from the Highland Falls Intermediate School last week.

Maldonado: Class of ‘26 is “ready for high school”

“You have been a gift to us, and have held to the highest standard our Highland Falls Intermediate School values of respect, inclusivity and safety.”

Those were the words of HFIS Principal Yashira Maldonado last Tuesday evening when she presided over her first Eighth Grade Moving Up ceremony as principal of the building. 

She told the students that while she is sorry to see them leave her building, “You are everything this school needs,” referring to the ceremony taking place on the O’Neill High School auditorium. “You are smart, strong and you are loved. I wish you the best high school experience ever.”

Maldonado took time to recognize not only the students but also “their village”, pointing out family and friends of the students, Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District administrators and Board of Education members; and the teachers and staff of the HFIS. 

The guest speaker at the event was Superintendent of Schools Frank Sheboy, back in a district building, in his choked-up words, “in the first time in over a month” after a recent surgery. 

“I am honored that my first night back gets to be with you,” he said.

He said he used the time post-surgery to think about what he wanted to tell the students, and gave them this advice: “Don’t rush it. Make new friends. Live a bit. Learn a lot. Laugh every day. Stop to appreciate the small things — your family and friends, your work, and your roots.”

He told them that high school will be tough, but to enjoy their time “learning and growing, and becoming you”.

Among those receiving special honors at the ceremony were the top five eighth graders – Kayla Chen, Abigail Kreh, Dominic Vanzetta, Erick Guzhnay and Julianne Galu.

Presented with the John Sangimino Spirit Award were Abigail Kreh and Dominick Vanzetta. Teacher Jen Constable spoke about Sangimino’s years teaching at the HFIS and presented the award.

The Citizenship Award went to Ava Hurtado. Teacher Nadia DeLaurentis made the presentation. 

The National Honor Society Award, presented by O’Neill NHS member Jeremy Stoll, went to Kayla Chen and Abigail Kreh. 

Students who were on the high honor roll the first three marking periods of the year were also recognized by Assistant Principal Nicole Gallardo. 

There were two performances during the moving up ceremony. Ava Hurtado sang the National Anthem; and Elizabeth Corbin, Grace O’Connell and Krista Patel sang a version of “Let it Go” from the movie Frozen, which talked about leaving the Intermediate School.

Finally, students were presented with moving up certificates, by their principals and Board of Education members Gabe O’Connell and Aaron Falk.