Village moves ahead with zoning change

Public hearing on the matter is set for July 18

At its June 6 meeting, the Village Board voted to amend the village’s Zoning law for the B3 District to require 850 square feet per dwelling unit for future development, as opposed to the 350 square feet in the law now. 

That vote occurred on the motion of Trustee Dr. Melanie Guerrero, seconded by Mayor Joe D’Onofrio, and took place after a long discussion took place over several months. The discussion  included community input as part of a public hearing that was left open for a series of meetings. 

Now that they have decided to move forward with the number, another public hearing must be held. That has been scheduled for Monday, July 18, at 7 p.m., at a board meeting to be held at the Highland Falls Senior Citizens Center. 

The hearing date was set at Monday’s Village Board meeting. In other business from that meeting:

— Bills and claims in the amount of $36,589 (2021-22 fiscal year) and $61,600 (2022-23 fiscal year) were paid.

— The board reduced the amount of a sewer bill for a resident after a leak caused them a $3000+ sewer bill. The owner of the property paid a $1600+ water bill on the same property, but because it’s believed the leaking water did not go into the village’s sewer system, the board voted to reduce the sewer bill to $579 (an average of the property’s last five sewer bills). This is the third such case in recent months, it was noted, and Mayor D’Onofrio said the village needs to set a policy involving the Water and Sewer Department heads participation in such decisions in the future. 

— D’Onofrio said the village received $7500 from a film company which used the Roe Park Field, a municipal parking lot and parts of Mountain Ave. for filming in early June.

— Trustee Gary Phillips noted that the Bog Meadow Reservoir is at near capacity. 

In business from the board’s June 6 meeting:

— A total of $115,000 in funds from the 2021-22 budget were approved to be moved into various reserve funds. They include: $15,000 for Village Hall repairs, $60,000 and $5000 for HFFD vehicles, $15,000 for DPW vehicles, $10,000 each for Water and Sewer Department vehicles.

— Lynae Mesaris was hired to a part-time account clerk position at $20 per hour. 

— The resignation of part-time Water Plant Operator Ryan Kresback was accepted.

— Trustee Brian Aylward was okayed to sign a $27,650 lease with the HFFD for space in the fire house to store the fire trucks. 

The board’s July 4 meeting was canceled — as noted above, the next meeting is July 18.