Month: January 2020

Around Town

Fort Montgomery Elementary School



Around Town

Around Town

Around Town
Take a ‘virtual’ hike
Interested in scaling the area’s icy mountains and crossing frozen lakes, but you don’t really want to leave the comfort (and safety!) of a chair? Then you’re going to want to take a virtual hike through the local woods with Fort Montgomery State Historic Site educator Peter Cutul on Saturday, Jan. 25 at 1 p.m. at Fort Montgomery.


Around Town
All about Mrs. Gallagher’s goats
Mrs. Gallagher was famous for her pink house and her scramble of goats, living in the loafing shed beneath her modest home in the north end area of Highland Falls. The home was located on the North side of Homestead Avenue, and was the first residential structure on that street; and yes, it was painted a very bright shade of pink.

Around Town