Grace Baptist fetes 20 years of leadership
Surprises are great!
The congregation and friends of Grace Baptist Church recently caught Pastor Steve and Debbie Snavely completely by surprise with a celebration of the couple’s 20 years in Highland Falls.
The Snavelys will officially celebrate 20 years of service at Grace Baptist Church (GBC) in January 2020, and in order to catch them off guard, the church family planned a lunch on Sunday, Nov. 10, a couple of months before the actual anniversary date.
With extensive planning by the GBC leadership, the many friends and members of the church were invited to attend the special service and lunch, and encouraged to send personal notes of appreciation. The couple is planning a trip to Israel, and a monetary gift for the couple was also collected to help pay for the trip.
“We deeply appreciate the special surprise and many out-of-town guests who were able to join the GBC family and friends for this celebration,” the couple said this week. “Although completely unexpected, the many expressions of gratitude for our service have allowed us to reflect on the people we have come to love since moving to New York 20 years ago.”
They thanked all who helped in the planning, preparation, and participation of the surprise celebration.
The pastor said, “We count it a privilege to serve the Lord with such special people here in Highland Falls! Debbie and I are grateful for each friend who has been a part of our lives for the past 20 years!”