Congratulations to these class leaders

(Photo by MJ Pitt) - O'Neill's Class of 2019 Top 10: (l-r) Eric Wooten, Enoch Crowe, Miriam Rice, Joe McInvale, Carl Tyce, Alison Hanus, Philip West, Katie Yankovich, Kaitlyn Hilley and Finley Corrigan.

O’Neill’s Top 10 and HFIS’s Top 5 honored

The Board of Education of the Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District, administrators, teachers, parents and others gathered in the O’Neill High School Library last Thursday evening to celebrate the Top 10 graduates of the high school (they’ll graduate on Tuesday, June 25) and Top 5 eighth grade graduates of the Highland Falls Intermediate School (they will ‘move up’ on Wednesday, June 26).

Each of the students received certificates from their principals and Superintendent of Schools Dr. Frank Sheboy, and celebrated with cupcakes after the presentations.
“These are truly among the best O’Neill has to offer, and they have set the bar very high for the students who will come after them,” Assistant O’Neill Principal Robin Haberman said.

From the HFIS, Principal Mike McElduff said the HFIS is “losing over 50 amazing students in the weeks ahead,” and that he was honored to have been part of their academic careers.

Sheboy noted that this particular celebration is one that he looks forward to each year, and noted that in the case of both the high school and intermediate school students, “their character, even more so than their academics” is what stands out about the students.

The students honored were:

O’Neill High School

Carl Tyce, of Highland Falls, class valedictorian, will graduate with a GPA of 103.831, and head to DeSales University in the fall, where he plans to run cross country and study to become a science educator.

Eric Wooten, of West Point, is the class salutatorian, and will graduate with a GPA of 103.54. He is heading to the Massachusetts Institute for Technology on an Army ROTC scholarship.

Miriam Rice, of Highland Falls, has a GPA of 102.869. She is planning to attend Brown University in the fall.

Joe McInvale, of West Point, with a GPA of 102.18, is heading to Vanderbilt University.

Enoch Crow, of West Point, has an average of 101.306, and will attend Worcester Polytechnic Institute on an Army ROTC scholarship.

Allison Hanus, of West Point, who will attend the University of Wisconsin-Madison next year, has a GPA of 100.292.

Philip West, will be part of the United States Military Academy’s Class of 2023. He graduates with a GPA of 100.227.

Finley Corrigan, of West Point, with a GPA of 100.078, will attend the University of Notre Dame in the fall.

Kaitlyn Hilley, from Fort Montgomery, is planning to attend Lafayette University this fall. She graduates with a GPA of 100.034.

Katie Yankovich, of West Point, has a GPA of 99.897, and will attend Butler University this fall.

Highland Falls Intermediate School

Jeremy Stoll “Jeremy’s love of learning is unparalleled. Jeremy is a stellar student who always pushes himself to his academic limits. He has the ability to express his ideas and opinions in a thoughtful way.”

Tommy Jaeger “Tommy is a critical and deep thinker who draws new insights from everything he reads and learns. Tommy poses natural leadership qualities and is always willing to support his peers.”

Emma VanZetta “Emma is very serious about her academics and gives her best each and every day. She is a very introspective student, and demonstrates wisdom beyond her years.”

Amber Wojciechowski “Amber is a pleasant leader, often taking the role of guiding a learning group through a task. Her peers, friends and teachers appreciate her kind and thoughtful character.”

Sophia Farina “Sophia’s smile and laugh are infectious. She is a good friend to many and has a very nurturing spirit.”