McInvale, Rice were honored

Called ‘Senior Scholars’ in Humanities

O’Neill High School seniors Miriam Rice and Joe McInvale were among 32 area students who were honored on April 25 “distinguishing themselves in the arts and humanities during their high school careers” at Orange-Ulster BOCES sixth annual Senior Scholar Humanities Breakfast.

The students, their parents, teachers, high school principals, superintendents, and BOCES administrators celebrate the students’ outstanding accomplishments in the fine arts, theater, music, fashion, and jewelry design.

The keynote speaker for the event was Stuart Sachs, a renowned sculptor and professor at Pratt Institute, who uses the detritus of modern society and modern-era building materials to create his art. He is currently president of the Orange County Arts Council, commissioner on the Newburgh Arts & Culture Commission, and vice president of the Newburgh Housing Authority.

Sachs spoke about his career path and his artwork.

“The magic I found in steel still compels me until this day. I doodle in steel,” he said. He also discussed the real-world struggles of a career in art as well as the reasons for being an artist. “We make art because we have to.”

In addition to passes to Storm King Art Center, each student was honored each student with a star award and a certificate of achievement in the arts and humanities.