Voting in Highland Falls is on Tuesday

Two board seats are available

Highland Falls residents — registered voters only — can head to the polls between noon and 9 p.m. on Tuesday, March 19 to cast their vote for two village trustees.

Voting will take place in the gymnasium of the former Sacred Heart School, located behind the church (7 Cozzens Ave.)

There are two candidates on the ballot.

Brian Aylward is running on the Community Action Plan ticket; and Jim DiSalvo is running on the Highland Falls United ticket.

Both men have served on the board previously. Aylward is currently completing a four year term; DiSalvo served from 2009 to 2013.

Wrapping up a several week saga about whether or not former board member Pat Flynn would be on the ballot, he will not. Flynn had submitted petitions to be on the ballot, was challenged, removed from the ballot, appealed in court, and that appeal was denied. Flynn said Monday he is running a write-in campaign to get elected.

Flynn served for one year as a trustee before winning the mayor’s seat in 2012.