The Village Board and Treasurer Ralph Walters have put together a budget for 2019-20 that does not exceed New York State’s mandatory tax cap; that is projected to pay down debt by about $605,000; and puts about $120,000 into reserve funds.
U.S. Senator Charles E. Schumer today launched a major push to reverse proposed cuts to the federal government’s Department of Education Impact Aid Program.
Jeff Laino, a representative of the New York Power Authority (NYPA), will be at the April 8 meeting of the Town Board to talk about a possible upgrade to energy efficient LED streetlights in Fort Montgomery.
The Village Board has set the public hearing for its 2019-2020 budget for Monday, April 1, at 6:30 p.m. at Village Hall. The hearing will be followed by the board’s annual reorganization meeting, and a regular business meeting.
From a distance it appeared to be an anger management exercise. A group of adults in hard hats took turns swinging their mallets at a wall that refused to budge.