NYForward application deadline extended to Aug. 9
The Highland Falls NY Forward ‘open call for projects’ has been extended to Friday, Aug. 9. There has been low interest in the program so far, Mayor Joe D’Onofrio said at the most recent Village Board meeting.
The NY Forward program will provide $4.5 million in grants to help boost the Highland Falls economy, but, it’s not just a blank check. Projects have to be submitted to the Local Planning Committee (LPC), recommended to the state, vetted, and then awarded a certain amount of funds. Projects can range in both cost and size, from small improvements to large scale construction projects.
While the designated boundary for the projects is from Main St. in front of Thayer Gate to the vicinity of Walgreens, it was also announced this week that “transformative projects outside the NY Forward boundary can be submitted and the LPC can consider boundary adjustments”.
It’s been said all along — since the grant was announced in February — that projects which are selected, whether public or private, will be subject to a 25% match in the overall cost. D’Onofrio said this week that he has lobbied the state to reduce that amount to a 10% match to encourage local stakeholders to participate. He said that he has been going door to door within the designated area asking local businesses to consider applying.
As well, this week Highlands Chamber of Commerce and LPC members were scheduled to walk Main St. to talk with business and building owners about the application process and to answer questions.
“We need every building owner and business to apply for this grant,” Chamber President Dee Moreno said. “With the owners responsible for 10 to 25% of the project (reimbursement) this is such a steal!”
Facelifts to Main St. buildings are one of the things that can be applied for with the grant.
The next two LPC meetings are set for Wednesday, Aug. 7 and Wednesday, Sept. 18. Both are from 5-7 p.m. at the Highland Falls Senior Center.
To learn more about the NY Forward program, or specifics to the Highland Falls grant, visit www.highlandfallsnyf.com.