A very nice prize for a JIO student!

Dear College Me,

You’ve been waiting for this for a while

Remember there is no free trial.

You gotta make sure your head is screwed on tight

So that this time, the first time, you can get it right.

Make sure to study right and study hard

Because soon, you’ll have to pay off your credit card

Everything has a cost: grades, books, friends

Ensure they aren’t worthless, or you’ll come to an end

Major major, you’ll hear all about it

Make it good so you’ll never have to doubt it.

There’s no point in studying a while

To work full time for minimum wage, it’s futile.

To avoid having your bank statement all up in your grill,

Learn something you love, that will also pay your bills.

Now let’s talk about your social life,

It may be here that you meet your wife.

Although that is truly a great thing,

Without academic effort, you won’t be able to afford the ring.

Friends, sports, parties, are great in moderation

Just don’t allow them to weaken your determination.

Friends, fun, or dates can’t be your focus, this is your future

College is an investment. Let’s make the return super.


High School Asher Spain

PALO ALTO, Calif. — With that letter/poem written to his future self, O’Neill High School’s Asher Spain not only has good advice to look forward to, but he’s got  $5000 to put toward his college expenses. 

Next Gen Personal Finance, “a non-profit committed to ensuring that all students leave high school with the skills needed to thrive in an increasingly complex financial world”,  announced this week that 10 students from across the country have won the ‘national grand prize’ in the company’s third annual PAYBACK Challenge Essay Contest.

Over 900 students from across the United States submitted essays last fall, one option was to write a letter to your future self that you will open after your freshman year of college, reminding you of the key skills you will need to thrive during your college years.

Asher takes a personal finance class with teacher Terry Maguire at O’Neill. Maguire said he was incredibly proud of Spain’s submission in the contest. “It’s an amazing achievement.”