The popular ‘FuFu’s Floats’ will travel through Highland Falls and Fort Montgomery this coming Saturday and Sunday, and possibly Monday too.
There’s a new twist with the floats this year … Santa and his friends will make a stop each night of their journey to collect new scarves, hats and gloves for community children who need them.
Before heading out to cruise most local roads, they’ll stop at the municipal lot in Highland Falls at 6 p.m. on Saturday, December 21, and at the Fort Montgomery Post office at 6 p.m. on Sunday, December 22. (Be aware, they may cover a few streets before the 6 p.m. stops.)
Anyone with items to donate can hop up into the sleigh to give them to Santa, who will in turn leave them at local schools for kids who need them. Students from the HFIS National Junior Honor Society will assist in the collections.
Weather permitting, and if there are still more village streets to be covered, the floats will head out again on Monday evening, organizers say. There will be no winter clothing stop that night.
The floats are the 30-year operation of Philip (FuFu) Galu and he’s assisted by a corps of volunteers and community donations.
To be aware of where the floats are, follow the FuFu’s Christmas Floats page on Facebook for updates from the volunteers as they progress around town.