‘Parent University’ is set to begin

The Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery Central School District is partnering with the Town of Highlands Community Coalition and the Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council of Orange County to bring a monthly educational series to parents surrounding alcohol and other drug use. The monthly sessions are called ‘Parent University’ and are open to all.

Each month of the school year a different topic will be presented for parents and caregivers to “strengthen their knowledge on current trends among adolescents”.

The sessions are held in the Highland Falls Intermediate School auditorium from 6:30-8 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month.

The first will take place on Tuesday, Oct. 15, and it’s entitled ‘Medicine Cabinet to Heroin Addiction: A Brief But Deadly Journey’.

The November meeting will be about vaping and e-cigarettes, and the December meeting is called ‘Marijuana 101’.

Attendance is free.